Commissioner R.T. Nesbitt, 1890 - 1898
After the office of Commissioner of Agriculture became an elected position, R.T. Nesbitt entered the race against the incumbent, J.T. Henderson. Campaigning against Henderson's management of the oil...
Commissioner J.T. Henderson, 1879 - 1890
J.T. Henderson, of Newton County, was appointed as the Commissioner of Agriculture on August 29, 1879 by Governor Alfred H. Colquitt, immediately following the resignation of Hon. Thomas P. Janes....
Commissioner Thomas P. Janes, 1874 - 1879
Thomas P. Janes was born September 11, 1823 in Crawfordville, GA, in present-day Taliaferro County (formerly the eastern part of Greene County). There he attended Mercer Institute. He would go on to...
Avian Influenza FAQ
Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, is a viral infection that primarily affects birds. Here are some frequently asked questions about avian influenza:
Cottage Food FAQ
Is there a limit to how much I can sell as a Cottage Food producer? The Georgia Department of Agriculture does not have any limits on gross sales or the number of units that can be produced. What...
Apply for an Internship
Requirements: Applicants must either be enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution located in Georgia, or have graduated within one calendar year of the desired internship timeframe. A...
Retailer Guide to Product Recalls
What is a Recall? A recall is when a product is removed from the market or a correction is made to the product because it is either defective or potentially harmful. Recalls are generally considered ...
Animal Shelter Licenses
Program Area GDA’s Companion Animals program manages Animal Shelter licenses. For more details, including a full list of regulations, see the Companion Animal program page. You Need this License If ...