Vidalia Onions
Vidalia® Onions are the champagne of onions. Often imitated but never duplicated, because you can't call them Vidalias unless they're grown in Georgia!
What Are Vidalia Onions?
Originally discovered by accident in the 1930s during the Great Depression, Vidalia® onions have grown to be considered as a favorite across America. The Vidalia Onion Act of 1986 granted the trademark of the name "Vidalia® onions" and defined the growing region in South Georgia. Vidalia onions are grown from a distinctive Granex seed, then packed and sold on or after the official pack date annually.
If you have grown and plan to sell Vidalia® onions this year, you must complete the online license application and submit it to the Department of Agriculture by March 1, 2024. Failure to register by March 1, 2024 may result in a monetary penalty of up to $1,000. We cannot accept applications for registration that were submitted after April 15, 2024. Fill out your registration application completely and accurately.
If acreage planted should change, or any other information such as name, address, label information, or packer from that indicated on the report filed by March 1, 2024 then you must submit a supplemental report no later than April 15, 2024.
License Types
Licenses for this Program
Licenses for this Program
Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Lee Lancaster
Marketing Specialist III
lee.lancaster@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (478) 484-9009