Fuel & Measures FAQ
Frequently-asked questions we receive about the Fuel & Measures programs. See the main Fuel Program page or Weights & Measures Program page for more information.
Our AI Partners
Even before HPAI was identified in Georgia, we had a plan for how we would control and eliminate the disease if it ever came to our state. We are now putting this plan into action, but we are not...
About the Georgia Department of Agriculture
The Georgia Department of Agriculture administers a variety of programs which all have a primary goal - to maintain the state's viable farm industry and protect the consuming public. Our focus...
Title VI (Notice of Non-Discrimination)
GDA Notice of Non-Discrimination The Georgia Department of Agriculture does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, or sex in the administration of its...
Privacy Policy
Information You Give Us You do not have to provide the Georgia Department of Agriculture with any personal information in order to access our site. However, for some services, such as contacting our...
Reporting Animal Cruelty
GDA can investigate complaints about businesses licensed to handle livestock, poultry, equines, or companion animals. We also handle complaints about cruelty or neglect of horses and other...
Animal Complaints
Thank you for notifying the GDA about your concerns. We value the health and welfare of all animals, and we aim to resolve problems as quickly as possible. You must identify yourself in the complaint...
Reportable Animal Diseases
Cases of many specific animal diseases must be reported to the proper authorities, as defined by State law (O.C.G.A. § 4-4-6). These are known as "Reportable Animal Diseases" (RADS). The timeframe for...
RADS Listing
This is a full list of all Reportable Animal Diseases and the turnaround time for reporting them. You can report using the form linked at the bottom of this page. Section 1: Report...