Food Safety
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) works to make sure that Georgians have food that is safe to eat. Our Food Safety team has resources on keeping food safe. We publish a list of food recalls weekly.
Food Safety and Natural Disasters
The Food Safety and Natural Disasters Brochure provides helpful resources on creating emergency plans and general food safety guidance for the aftermath of these events. Impacts typically seen may include localized flooding, structural damage to facilities, water interruption, and/or power interruption. Knowing how to properly handle food and disinfect equipment and utensils will prevent you and your loved ones from developing a foodborne illness from food held at inappropriate temperatures or under unsanitary conditions.
The brochure also provides Twitter and Facebook links for guidance and timely update, which can help in the preparation-for and recovery-from natural disasters.
About this Program
The Georgia Department of Agriculture encourages sharing of information among regulators, industry, academia, and consumers. Our Food Safety Team uses outreach activities throughout the year to provide information on food safety and defense issues.
We provide information tables, and sometimes live presentations, at GDA Georgia Grown Showcase events, the Georgia National Fair, and Sunbelt Ag Expo. We take part in career and internship fairs throughout the state, and present at industry and commodity meetings upon request.
If you want to schedule a Food Safety presentation at your next event, contact Outreach@agr.georgia.gov. Please give us at least 2-3 weeks’ advance notice and provide us with:
Name, date and exact location of your event, including start/end times
Estimated attendance
Age/grade range if at a school, or any other audience/demographic details
Type of requested presentation (this determines what support material we need to bring)
Requested handouts - brochures, freebies, etc.
If we cannot take part in your event directly, we will be glad to send you handout materials.
Contact the Food Safety Team
Sign up for Food Recall Emails
GDA sends out weekly email alerts for recalls impacting the State of Georgia, both food and pet/animal feed. Sign up here to get these alerts.
Food Safety Complaints
Do you have a complaint about unsafe food? Let us know!
Contact Us
Food Safety Program
FoodSafetyInfo@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-3627 -
Follow us on Twitter!
Follow GDAFoodSafety on Twitter