Spotlight Story
Rafael Guerrero and his mother, Dahlia, attend the Minority Vendors Showcase at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta on April 24. Rafael and his brother Angel operate their...
Seed Dealer Licenses
Program AreaGDA’s Seed Program manages Seed Dealer licenses. Questions about the program or regulations? Please review the Seed Program web page or contact their staff at the number below.You Need...
DCSP: Applicants and Grantees
This page has resources for DCSP applicants and grantees. For more information on the Dog & Cat Sterilization Grant see our DCSP page. Thank you for your interest in the Dog and Cat...
Live Plant License Categories and Fees
CategoryDetailsFeeLive Plant GrowersContainer, B&B, Greenhouse, Sod, Collected Native Plants, etc.*Plus Additional Acreage FeeSod or SprigsField Grown PlantsContainer, Greenhouse, or Collected...
FIFRA Section 24c, Special Local Need
Section 24(c) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) allows for registration of a pesticide product as a Special Local Need (SLN).Special local need means an existing...
Certified Operator License
The Certified Operator License is a professional license held by an individual that certifies that they have proven they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to safely and effectively...
Licensing, Certification and Employee Registration
Structural Pest Control Types of CredentialsThe Georgia Structural Pest Control Act establishes three classes of structural pest control credentials:Company LicenseCertified OperatorRegistered...
Soil Amendment Product Registrations
Program AreaGDA’s Ag Inputs Program manages Soil Amendment product registrations. Questions about the program or regulations? Please review the Soil Amendment Program page or contact their staff at...
Guidance For Requesting A Variance
.breaker { overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: normal; } Variances are intended for the allowance of specialized processes that will enhance operations with science based controls and monitoring...