Structural Pest Control Company License

Any individual or firm wishing to perform structural pest control services for hire must hold a Company License and have a Designated Certified Operator (DCO) for each category they operate in. One person can be the DCO for more than one category as long as they are certified in the relevant categories. The designated certified operator will be the person responsible for overseeing pest control services and reporting activities of the company.  For more information on categories licensed by the Structural Pest Division, please visit the Licensing Information page.

The company applicant can be the designated certified operator if they are properly licensed. However, if the company applicant does not hold a certified operator license in the category the company will operate in, the applicant will need to hire a certified operator to be the company’s DCO. For more details about the requirements of the DCO, please see Notice 00-02: DCO Supervision Guidance Policy and the Rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission.

To obtain a Company License, the applicant and DCO will need to complete a Company License Application Form. Instructions on how to complete the form are included on the first page. Applicants are encouraged to review Notice 17-01: Business Naming Policy to aid in selecting a name for the company, and may submit multiple names to be considered with their application.

Proof of insurance must be submitted before a company license will be issued. The Georgia Insurance Form is a guidance document to determine how much insurance you will need for your company. You can submit the completed Insurance Form or the policy from your insurance company to our office by emailing it to or faxing it to 404-463-6671.

Applications should include a check or money order for the appropriate fees, including the required research fee which provides funding to the UGA Urban Entomology Research Program.

The completed application and license fee may be mailed, or hand delivered during business hours to our downtown Atlanta office at:

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Structural Pest Division
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW
Room 411
Atlanta, GA 30334

Company License Applications must be approved by the Structural Pest Control Commission (SPCC). The SPCC typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month to review applications. For a detailed meeting schedule, please visit the SPCC Public Notices page.

Company applications received by the 1st day of the month will be considered by the Commission at their monthly meeting. Applicants who receive approval will receive notification by way of the email address listed on the application.


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