Structural Pest Instructors & Training Providers

Recertification Training Requirements

All recertification training courses must be approved by the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission (SPCC) for each calendar year. You must receive approval prior to presenting a course for credit. Course approval requests must be submitted to the SPCC at least 30 days before the scheduled start date of the course. For more information on course requirements, please refer to the SPCC Recertification Course Requirements Policy.

Recertification Course Applications

Course applications can be submitted online or using the course approval form. The application must be accompanied by a detailed course outline including estimated time frames for each topic. If the course instructor is not already approved by the SPCC, their instructor application must be submitted with the course application.

Recertification Course Attendance Verification

Attendance verification must be submitted to the GDA for the certified operators and registered employees who complete the course within 30 days of course completion. There are two options for attendance verification.

Option 1: Training Slips
You can use a sign-in sheet completed at the beginning of the course and an individual training slip for each attendee filled out at the end of the course. For credit, training slips must include: 

  • attendee's name
  • certification or registration number
  • course name
  • course number
  • instructor's name
  • training date

Download a sample training slip form: Option 1 |  Option 2

Option 2: Attendance Verification Form
You can use a verification of attendance form that requires each participant to sign in at the beginning of the course and sign out at the end of the course. The form must include:

  • attendee's name
  • attendee’s signature
  • certification or registration number
  • course name
  • course number
  • instructor's name
  • training date.

Download a sample attendance verification form.

Attendance records can also be submitted online by Authorized Recertification Record Submitters. See more information and the application.

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