Guidance Document for "Post Application Precautionary Statements" for Many SPC Pesticide Products
The Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission has issued this guidance document to help pest management professionals comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Act in the listing of Post Application Precautionary Statements on pesticide use records. However, this list should not be considered to be all inclusive. You must refer to the actual label of the pesticide you are using to ensure that this guidance list covers all of the Post Application Precautionary Statements found on each pesticide label. Any Post Application Precautionary Statements not addressed by this guidance document must be listed on the pesticide use record. While not required, it is suggested that pesticide use records pre-printed with the below Post Application Precautionary Statements allow space to include any additional Post Application Precautionary Statements found on the label.
Summary Precautionary Statements
- Contact Treated Area(s) - Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets to touch, enter, or replace items or bedding, to contact or enter treated area(s) until dry.
- Ventilation / Reoccupying - Vacate and keep area(s) closed up to 30 minutes after treatment, then ventilate area(s) for up to 2 hours before reoccupying.
- Equipment / Processing / Food - Thoroughly wash dishes, utensils, food preparation
- / processing equipment and surfaces with an effective cleaning compound and rinse with clean water, if not removed or covered during a treatment. The area should be odor free before food products are placed in the area.
- Exterior Applications (baits) - Do not allow grazing of feed, lawn, or sod clippings to livestock after bait applications.
- Do not burn treated firewood for 1 month after treatment.
July 2, 2009