Paraquat Training


  • As required by EPA's Paraquat Dichloride Human Health Mitigation Decision and amended paraquat dichloride (a.k.a. paraquat) product labels, certified applicators must successfully complete an EPA-approved training program before mixing, loading, and/or applying paraquat. The training provides important information about paraquat's toxicity, new label requirements and restrictions, and the consequences of misuse.
  • Any person who intends to use paraquat must be a certified applicator and is required to take the training. "Use" includes :
    • Pre-application activities involving mixing and loading the pesticide;
    • Applying the pesticide; and
    • Other pesticide-related activities, including, but not limited to, transporting or storing opened pesticide containers, cleaning equipment, and disposing of excess pesticides, spray mix, equipment wash waters, pesticide containers, and other paraquat-containing materials.
  • The use of paraquat, which is a restricted use pesticide, is restricted to certified pesticide applicators only; noncertified persons working under the supervision of a certified applicator are prohibited from using paraquat, including mixing, loading, applying the pesticide, and other pesticide-related activities.
  • For more information, please visit

To Access Paraquat Training

  • The EPA-approved training module can be accessed from either of the following two sources:
  • At the end of the module, a certificate is granted that can be used for pesticide license CEU credit. Please email credentials to us using the contract information below for one hour of CEU.
  • Training must be completed every three years, and training will expire after the three-year time interval after module completion.

Pesticide Applicator Certification Status

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