Hemp Sampling

All hemp must be tested for Total Delta-9 THC before harvesting. This is the foundation of hemp production in the U.S. and meets the requirements of:

  • the USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program Final Rule,
  • the USDA approved Hemp Plan for Georgia, and
  • the Georgia Hemp Farming Act

This page provides information on the official sampling guidelines, GDA approved sampling agents authorized to collect samples, and GDA approved laboratories where official samples can be sent for Total Delta-9 THC testing.


USDA guidelines for sampling are detailed in the Sampling Guidelines for Hemp U.S. Domestic Hemp Production

Grower Responsibilities

As a licensed hemp grower, it is your responsibility to:

  • Contact a GDA-approved sampling agent within 30 days before harvest for official sample collection;
  • Be present (or have an authorized representative present) at the grow site during the official sample collection; and
  • Pay all sampling fees (including shipping, laboratory fees, etc.). You are liable for all such sampling fees, including those for any samples collected by a GDA-approved sampling agent.

Cost of Sampling

Each official sampler has provided their own rates for sampling. It is your responsibility to pay for costs incurred to sample and test your crop or product.

You may receive contact from the samplers in the coming days with information about their services and how to contact them to schedule an official sampling. GDA strongly encourages all growers and processors to reach out to multiple samplers, as costs may vary based on geography and other grower- or processor-specific factors.

Approved Sampling Agents

AgWin Group, Inc.
Hemp Administrative Testing & Sampling ("HATS")
Phone: (855) 776-8570
Email: ITStaff@AgWin.com
Website: www.hemptesthats.com

GEM Testing and Extraction Labs Corporation
Phone: (706) 329-0348
Email: Gemtestinglabs@outlook.com
Website: https://gemlabtesting.com

SJ Labs and Analytics, LLC
Phone: (478) 259-7564
Email: info@sjlabsandanalytics.com
Website: https://sjlabsandanalytics.com

Approved Laboratories

* as of 02/21/2025

Effective 10/01/2024 all laboratories intending to test cannabis plants or products derived from cannabis must obtain a Hemp Laboratory Registration from the Georgia Department of Agriculture.

In-State Laboratories

SJ Labs and Analytics, LLC
Phone: (478) 259-7564
Email: info@sjlabsandanalytics.com
Website: https://sjlabsandanalytics.com

Out-of-State Laboratories

ACS Laboratory
Phone: (813) 634-4529
Email: acsclientsupport@acslabtest.com
Website: https://acslab.com

Anresco Laboratories
Phone: (415) 822-1100
Email: info@anresco.com
Website: https://anresco.com

Arcanna Analytics
Phone: (501) 503-0572
Email: info@arcannaanalytics.com
Website: https://www.arcannaanalytics.com

Delta 9 Analytical
Website: https://delta9analytical.com

Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing
Phone: (608) 949-3100
Email: efiiclientservices@us4.eurofins-info.com
Website: https://www.eurofinsus.com

Harrens Lab Inc.
Phone: (510) 887-8885
Email: info@harrenslab.com
Website: https://harrenslab.com

KCA Labs
Phone: (833) KCA-LABS (522-5227)
Email: trustedresults@kcalabs.com
Website: https://kcalabs.com

New Bloom Labs
Phone: (844) TEST-CBD (837-8223)
Email: info@newbloomlabs.com
Website: www.newbloomlabs.com

PharmLabs LLC
Phone: (619) 356-0898
Email: info@SDPharmLabs.com
Website: www.PharmLabs.com

Trichome Analytical
Phone: (856) 316-0600
Email: info@trichomeanalytical.com
Website: https://trichomeanalytical.com
