Animal Shelter Licenses

Important: You must provide proof of citizenship or legal residency when you apply for a license. GDA requires S&V (Secure & Verifiable) documents for all licensees. See the S&V Details page and S&V FAQ for complete information.

Reminder: Please make sure your mailing address, email, and phone number are up-to-date, and that your voicemail is not full.  There will be a delay in getting your license if we need to reach you but don't have usable contact information.

Program Area

GDA’s Companion Animals program manages Animal Shelter licenses. For more details, including a full list of regulations, see the Companion Animal program page.

You Need this License If

Your agency, government entity, business, or nonprofit manages any of the facilities below:

  • A facility operated by or under contract for the state, a county, a municipal corporation, or any other political subdivision of the state for the purpose of impounding or harboring seized, stray, homeless abandoned, or unwanted dogs, cats and other animals;
  • A veterinary hospital or clinic operated by a veterinarian or veterinarians which operates for such purpose in addition to its customary purposes;
  • A facility operated, owned, or maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society, or other nonprofit organization for the purpose of providing for and promoting the welfare, protection, and humane treatment of animals

Fees and License Period

Licenses are good for 1 year beginning from the time your payment is processed. [Please note: if you renew after the expiration date, you will be charged a late fee of 100% of the license fee.  By law, GDA cannot waive or exempt this fee.]

The fee depends on your capacity.

How to Apply for or Renew your License

Before you apply for a license, make sure that you’re complying with your local ordinances. Some cities or counties have rules that limit the number of animals on a property. A State license doesn’t absolve you from compliance.

Complete your applications and renewals for Animal Shelter licenses online through Kelly Registration Systems using the links below. You must pay online as part of the license process. If you have questions about making payments, see our Payments page.

Renew your license before it expires!

Your license expires 12 months after being issued. After the expiration date, you will incur a late fee of 100% of the license fee. By law, GDA cannot waive or exempt this fee.

If you allow your license to expire, you may not continue business until all fees are paid and your license is brought current. Continuing business without an active license is a violation of the Animal Protection Act rules.

What Happens When You Apply for a License

  1. When you apply online for your license, we will review your application and contact you if we have any questions.
  2. You will receive a visit from one of our inspectors to do a pre-inspection.  If the inspector finds any problems they will work with you to resolve them.  You cannot move further in the licensing process until you have passed your pre-inspection and your application has been approved.
  3. You will then receive an email requesting your S&V paperwork.
  4. Once your S&V paperwork has been received and approved, you will be notified by email how to log in and pay your license fee.
  5. When you pay your fee, your license certificate will be mailed to you within 1 - 7 business days.

Respond promptly to any questions or notifications, and make sure GDA can contact you if needed!

Apply for a new Animal Shelter License

What we require on your application:

  • Your physical and mailing addresses
  • A valid phone number and email address
  • Capacity (if in Georgia)
  • Names and addresses of your corporation officers or partners, or members of your organization
  • Record of any prior license violations or animal cruelty charges

Renew your Animal Shelter License

Log in with your License Number and password to renew. Forgot your password? Recover it from the password recovery page or contact our Customer Service Center at the number below.

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