Woman with Watering Can

Georgia Department of Agriculture

Established in 1874, the Georgia Department of Agriculture is the oldest state department of agriculture in the United States. The Department is currently led by Commissioner Tyler J Harper, a 7th generation farmer and native of rural South Georgia. Harper is a peanut, cotton, timber, and beef cattle producer and is serving in his first term as Georgia’s Agriculture Commissioner.

The Georgia Department of Agriculture is charged with supporting Georgia Farmers and Producers, protecting consumers and the state’s food supply, and marketing Georgia grown agricultural products locally, nationally, and globally. We regulate animals, food, fuel, plants, soil, and pesticides produced or sold within the State of Georgia.

Georgia Department of Agriculture

Established in 1874, the Georgia Department of Agriculture is the oldest state department of agriculture in the United States. The Department is currently led by Commissioner Tyler J Harper, a 7th generation farmer and native of rural South Georgia. Harper is a peanut, cotton, timber, and beef cattle producer and is serving in his first term as Georgia’s Agriculture Commissioner.

The Georgia Department of Agriculture is charged with supporting Georgia Farmers and Producers, protecting consumers and the state’s food supply, and marketing Georgia grown agricultural products locally, nationally, and globally. We regulate animals, food, fuel, plants, soil, and pesticides produced or sold within the State of Georgia.


NEW Hemp License Applications Now Open!

New licensing requirements have been introduced for various hemp-related activities in Georgia. Click here to learn about obtaining licenses, understanding state laws, and meeting all requirements.

GATE Program

The 2025 GATE season is now open!

Apply for a new 2025 - 2027 GATE card or renew an expiring card here.

Avian Influenza

IMPORTANT! Learn how to protect your flocks from Avian Influenza. GDA's Avian Influenza page has resources, current news, and other information about this disease.

Hurricane Helene

The Georgia Department of Agriculture is working with state, federal, and industry partners to promote the safety of citizens, evacuees, livestock, and companion animals.

Recalls and Alerts

See All Alerts

Nestlé USA

Nestlé USA is initiating a voluntary recall of a limited quantity of Lean Cuisine® and STOUFFER’S®...

Shearer’s Foods, LLC

Shearer’s Foods, LLC, of Massillon, OH, is recalling 15,874 cases of various oyster cracker products...

Sea Win, Inc. Frozen Half-Shell Oysters from Republic of Korea Designated Area II

FDA Advises Restaurants and Retailers Not to Serve or Sell and Consumers Not to Eat Certain Frozen...

Industry News

See All News

Celebrate Georgia Ag Week: March 17-23, 2025

Georgia Ag Week celebrates the incredible contributions of Georgia’s agriculture industry from March...

Invasive pest Spotted Lanternfly confirmed in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Agriculture received confirmation from federal agricultural officials of...

Weathered But Strong

In response to Hurricane Helene, 40+ agriculture industry organizations, led by the Georgia...

GDA Notice of Non-Discrimination

Non-Employee Discrimination Complaints: The Georgia Department of Agriculture does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the administration of its programs or activities. To learn more, or file a complaint, visit our Title VI page. If you need translation assistance to communicate with the Georgia Department of Agriculture, please call (866) 243-3193.

Comunicado Contra la Discriminacion

Quejas por discriminación contra quienes no son empleados: El Departamento de Agricultura de Georgia no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, discapacidad, edad o sexo en la administración de sus programas o actividades. Para obtener más información o para presentar unaqueja, visite nuestra página del Título VI. Para asistencia en español: (866) 243-3193.


Designees for Service of Process for Civil Actions:
Garrett Hollis, Director of Legal Services
Arlene Wilkinson, Attorney
Steve Ellis, Attorney
Kelsey Cain, Attorney

Office Address for Service of Process for Civil Actions:
254 Washington Street S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30334